Tips to Improve Your Oral Health

Having a healthy mouth is a top priority for many people as it directly relates to an ideal physical body which enhances self esteem and social interaction.

The mouth is the gateway to our body and it can often be a signal to other health diseases as well.

When discussing a healthy mouth most people think that having straight white teeth is what is most important, however the most important part is having healthy gums and teeth. Here are the best ways to increase your oral health with these proven tips:

Good Home care:

  • Floss at least once per day as it will help you get out the food that’s out of reach of your toothbrush. You can do it at any time of the day, even while watching your favorite television program!

  • Brush your teeth at least twice per day or after every meal! This is the most common oral hygiene tip you’ve been hearing your whole life, but that’s because it is important! Brushing your teeth removes the plaque and food trapped in your teeth and gums.

  • Avoid sugar/hidden sugar  most often oral health problems come from unwanted sugar which can be hidden in large quantities in our drinks and retail products which may even claim to be healthier for you. Long term sugar consumption is the foundation for tooth decay.

  • Visits with your dentist and hygienist are most important to maintaining good oral health and help you to avoid future problems by discovering dental problems in their early stages. Routine cleanings remove plaque and hard build up (calculus/tartar) which will cause many issues if left on your teeth and gums and will result in gum disease and tooth decay.

  • Stop smoking more than anything else, smoking is the absolute worst thing you can do to your oral health. It affects both the gums and the teeth. Quitting smoking with increase your sense of smell and taste, reduce the risk of oral cancer, and gum problems.

The above mentioned tips can easily help you to maintain a healthy mouth and of course regular visits to your Dentist and Dental Hygienist!


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